Tuesday, September 14, 2010


When i'm watch movies, i always try to follow they accent especially US(shitdamn America).
I not hate they movie,i'm just hate they way they running the system. Back to the story, the reason i like to talk like them coz in malaysia we use to speak mixture. We adduce more to the Singapura leter2 way. i'm just an ordinary guy who want to speak fluently. So every time the shows showing,somehow somewhere i manage to talk like them. excellent huh? but.. when the shit done, i get back to the old fashion malay way. it's suck dude. i hate it. but it's often when i'm talking to myself, i can barelly talk like them(shitdamn America). that what make me like take they throat and trade it to me.(sampai macam tu sekali)

On 13th oct, i've got a MUET test. that concern me coz i'm actually lean nothing. From the grammar,nouns and etc. before this, i'm just followed what other people talks. even i did learn from school but i just know nothing. kadang2 maen bunyik je tanpa tahu bende tu past or presents.

So it did some push to open all the sesawang kat dunia maya dan belajar sendiri. rite know my feveret morning shows adalah http://www.nst.com.my/. kinda creepy but what can i do? i must learns something rite. believes me, none of the article or words that make me happy, my brain just can't force it to translate. but thanks god we have this http://translate.google.com/.
hahahahaha. tp bengong gak kadang2 web nie. baku sangat. aku pun xpaham.

i don't want to story much2. Got a lot work ahead. who were accidentally read this, hope you can doakan agar saya tidak lupa dan cekap bila menjawab ujian tersebut. see you guys. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hari yang aku boleh makan jam 7 pagi

Oke. for the 1st time dah lame xupdate blog aku nih. besalah. aku suke menulis tp xsuke menaip. idea sume lari macam tu je bagai kupu kosendang. mengarut~
Kalu dah start hari raya, mmg banyak cerita 1000 kali cerita yg kita dengar kat media cetak,eletronik,media mak jah sebelah rumah yg selalu update pasal isu-isu terkini.
Aku memang xsuke type panjang2,sakit tangan. ak bg ape yg aku rase nak cakap je.

oke. aku nak mintak maaf to both of my parents yg dah cukup lame support aku. dr ak 0 sampai ade ilmu yg padat tp ak xguna kesemuanya,haha mmg dorg hero aku sampai aku dah xde kat dunia nie. kalu nak hurai, mmg 8 own blog pun xhabis aku nak cerita. So kesimpulanya, aku xkan lupa jasa dorang.

seterusnya, kawan2 aku. nak cakap satu2 jenuh. so i conclude to them who always there for me. yg selalu terima lawak2 bodoh aku, scandal2 aku, ak cume ade sorang je BFF pada waktu nih iaitu puteri mastura. die nie mmg best, ak xtau, but some how die bejaya detact ap yg ade dalam hati aku. sush nak explain. senang cerita die mmg ideal friends yg Allah bagi kat aku. Bersyukur sangat2. Thanks mas.

pengakhiranya adalah semua pendidik dan pemerintah yang adil. tanpa kamu,kami masih huru-hara, tanpa kamu kami masih gundah gulana, tanpa kamu kami masih menjadi soerang ynag bodoh dengan tipu helah syaitan dan dunia ynag fana ini, tanpa kamu kami masih di takuk yang lama, tanpa kamu kami masih tidak membuka minda kami kepada yang lebih luas.

sekain, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I'm just finish my diploma about a month ago. so i'm go back to my hometown and it's been a while.
Darn, seronok dapat tengok town aku yang dah maju dan indah. When i recall it back, tak banyak kedai2 yang memberi keperluan dekat tempat aku nie. Most of them kene pergi seberang (SABAH) untuk dapatkan keperluan dorang. but now, sume benda boleh dapat. Just name it and you got it. i'm guess this will be my starter platform AGAIN selepas dah tinggalkan pulau nih. so ape ak nak buat?

nie adalah list2 yang aku nak buat selama aku kat sini :

1. Nak expand business Skateshop aku kat sini.
2. Carik duit banyak2 kat sini then every years leh pegi melancong.
3. Nak cantikkan bahasa pulau ak nih. hahaha

orait. that all for this hour. i'll be update.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Improving method and writting

selamat sejahtera. ak dah lame xupdate dekat blog nih.
itu je ak nak tulis, bye2.

Monday, March 22, 2010